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How to Measure my Ring Size

A. Measure my own Ring


  1. Use a ring that fits the desired finger.
  2. Measure the internal diameter of the ring (in mm or inch). Ensure your ruler starts at the 0 mm or 0 inch mark and goes upto the maximum. 
  3. Check the following table and voila you got your finger Ring size.  


B. Measure my Finger


  1. Cut a thin strip of paper, ensure it is thin.
  2. Wrap a strip of paper around your finger where you’d like your ring to be. Make sure that the paper is pulled snug to your finger (the tighter the better) to find your best fit.
  3. Mark the spot where the end of paper meets the remaining paper & measure the distance with a ruler (mm or inch).
  4. Check the following table, know your finger Ring size and order it. 

Tips On How To Measure

  1. Measure your ring size at the end of the day when fingers are at their largest.
  2. Consider the width of the band, a particularly thick band will feel tighter than a thin band so you may want to buy a full size larger that your normal ring size.
  3. Do not measure your hands when they are cold, they may have shrunk up to half a size.
  4. Alcohol and salt can make your fingers swell so refrain from measuring your ring size after cocktails and appetizers.